Sunday 22 February 2009


Scientists in Japan have just released crucial information with regards to inter-species erotica.

If a man was to engage with a guinea pig, this would be the terrifying outcome.

As a result, the West Yorkshire and Leeds Metropolitan Police urge you to stop having sex with your pets. They are not squeals of enjoyment.

The test subject pictured above has since been humanely disposed off for it's own well being.

Saturday 21 February 2009

James Kenny.

James Kenny?

Or Emma - lee Greenwell?

Answers on a postcard.

Friday 20 February 2009

Meerkat lost in the market.

You decide!

Jack O Lack

There once was a man called Jack. He was homeless and had no friends apart from his trusty companion, Ratty. They travelled the world together eventually resulting in Jack blagging a place at a real university!!! 

Jack was last spotted on 19th February 2009, without Ratty.

Have you seen this man?

Greg Owen.


Or walrus?

Luke Katch(k)off

Until quite recently, I was led to believe this gentleman's surname was Katchkoff.

The first time Luke met Ed...

He date raped him.

Giorgio Clarioni

He's bent.

Thursday 19 February 2009

AMAC - What Really Happened.

Adam Mercer was born on 8th March 1988. For much of his earlier life he resided in Islington (London) before moving with his family to Harpenden, Hertfordshire. Though much of Mercer's earlier life remains unrecorded, he is first said to have broken into the scene in the mid 90's.

== Aldwickbury School (1992-2000) (Early Recorded Life) ==

During his earlier years, Mercer attended a small all boys prep school in Harpenden, Hertfodshire. Many believe that his attendance of the single sex establishment had adverse effects on his sexuality in later life.

== Social life out of the spotlight ==

== AMAC ==

In mid 2005, an un known consortium set up [The Adam Mercer Appreciation Club (AMAC) ( AMAC remains one of the only privately funded appreciation clubs in existence. At first, it is reported the Mercer was unhappy about the club, and for several years tried to have the club legally executed.

Researchers and club officials later revealed that they believed Mercers bad feeling towards the club, were down to the clubs portrayal of his sexuality. (However, despite this, Mercers sexuality is still unknown).

AMAC became a multi national organization, with key fan bases in the Far East and Europe - notably Japan and Germany.

AMAC went into hiding in early 2007. It is believed this is because of some of Mercers obscene behaviour (notably towards fans) and he was deemed 'unappreicatble' and a financial risk.

== AMAC - The Rebirth ==

In late 2008, AMAC resurfaced on the stockmarket, in wake of the Global Credit Crunch. It is unknown if Mercer was made aware of the companies new intentions, however the copyright of the Adam Mercer Trademark and Image would leave his opinion irrelevant.

Latest news states that AMAC have moved into all ex Lehman Brother buildings worldwide, and are beginning the marketing of the latest AMAC installation.

Love between friends.

I have two friends which have recently started a relationship. They already live togeather and I believe they have been doing the dirty for quite some time now. The world found out at a party a few Fridays ago, when they were caught making out and fondling in the middle of a busy room. 

Young love at it's best - I wish them a happy time together

Love rating: 4/5
Sexy Rating: 3/5