Saturday 11 April 2009

If Sea World exhibited people..

Sam Palmer

Would be one of them.

Friday 6 March 2009

Tom Chambers.

Tom Chambers

Killed Jesus


Sunday 22 February 2009


Scientists in Japan have just released crucial information with regards to inter-species erotica.

If a man was to engage with a guinea pig, this would be the terrifying outcome.

As a result, the West Yorkshire and Leeds Metropolitan Police urge you to stop having sex with your pets. They are not squeals of enjoyment.

The test subject pictured above has since been humanely disposed off for it's own well being.

Saturday 21 February 2009

James Kenny.

James Kenny?

Or Emma - lee Greenwell?

Answers on a postcard.

Friday 20 February 2009

Meerkat lost in the market.

You decide!

Jack O Lack

There once was a man called Jack. He was homeless and had no friends apart from his trusty companion, Ratty. They travelled the world together eventually resulting in Jack blagging a place at a real university!!! 

Jack was last spotted on 19th February 2009, without Ratty.

Have you seen this man?

Greg Owen.


Or walrus?